1) Fire Damage:
Controls for Environmental Exposures:
2) Documented and Tested Emergency Evacuation Plans:
Relocation plans should emphasize human safety, but should not leave information processing facilities physically unsecured. Procedures should exist for a controlled shutdown of the computer in an emergency. In all circumstances saving human life should be given paramount importance.
3) Smoke Detectors:
Smoke detectors are positioned at places above and below the ceiling tiles. Upon activation, these detectors should produce an audible alarm and must be linked to a monitored station (for example, a fire station).
4) Wiring Placed in Electrical Panels and Conduit:
Electrical wires are always a risk. To reduce the risk of such a fire occurring and spreading, wiring should be placed in the fire-resistant panels and conduit. This conduit generally lies under the fire-resistant raised floor in the computer room.
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