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Web 3.0

The term Web 3.0, also known as the Semantic Web, describes sites wherein the computers will be generated raw data on their own without direct user interaction.

Web 3.0 is considered as the next logical step in the evolution of the Internet and Web technologies.


Initially, the Internet is confined within the physical walls of the computer,    but    as more and more devices such as smartphones, cars and other household appliances become connected to the web, the Internet will be  omnipresent and could be  utilized  in the most efficient manner.


Underlying Concept


  • Web 3.0 standard uses semantic web technology, drag and drop mash-ups, widgets, user behavior, user engagement, and consolidation of dynamic web contents depending on the interest of the individual users.Web 3.0 technology uses the “Data Web” Technology, which features the data records that are publishable and reusable on the web through query-able formats. The Web 3.0 standard also incorporates the latest researches in the field of artificial  intelligence.
    • An example of typical Web 3.0 application is the one that uses content management systems along with artificial intelligence.

These systems can answer the questions posed by the users, because the application can think on its own and find  the most  probable answer,  depending on the context, to the query submitted by the user.

In this way, Web 3.0 can also be described as a “machine to user” standard in the internet.


Components of Web 3.0

  • Semantic Web: This provides the web user a common framework that  could be  used to share and reuse the data across various applications, enterprises, and community boundaries.

This allows the data and information to be readily intercepted by machines, so that the machines are able to take contextual decisions on their ownby finding, combining and acting upon relevant information on the web.

  • Web Services: It is a software system that supports computer-to-computer interaction over the Internet.

To conclude, Web 3.0 helps to achieve a more connectedopen and intelligent web applications using the concepts of natural language processing machine learning, machine reasoning and autonomous agents.

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