Various Options: There are various options => easy to compare
Anytime Access: Midnight access to e- commerce is available
Time saving: No. of operations performed increase
Easy to find reviews: Reviews from previous customers => provides valuable feedback
Coupon and Deals: Discount coupons and reward => encourage online transaction.
Benefits to Business / Sellers
Creation of new markets: This is done through the ability to easily and cheaply reach potential customers.
Easier entry into new markets: This is especially into geographically remote markets, for enterprises regardless of size and location.
Increased Customer Base: number of people getting online is increasing, creating new customers.
Provides a dynamic market: competition provides a dynamic market which enhances quality and business.
Elimination of Time Delays: seamless processing eliminates time delays.
–Efficiency improvement due to:
Reduction in timeto complete business transactions, particularly from delivery to payment.
Reduction in errors, time, for information processingby eliminating requirements for re-entering data.
Reduction in inventories and reduction of risk of obsolete inventories through just-in- time inventory and integrated manufacturing techniques.
─Reduction in costs:
To buyers from increased competition.
To suppliers by electronically accessing databases of opportunities.
In overhead costs through uniformity, automation, and large-scale integration of management processes.
Advertising costs.
Benefits to Government
Instrument to fight corruption: In line with Government’s vision.
Reduction in use of ecologically damaging materials through electronic coordination of activities and the movement of information rather than physical objects.