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Admin 28 Jul, 2023 0 Comments

How to Get a Rank & Score 95+ in CA Inter Costing

Costing is an essential subject for students who pursuing Chartered Accountancy (CA) or Cost and Management Accountancy (CMA). It plays a crucial role in various professional exams and is often considered one of the more challenging subjects due to its complexity and extensive syllabus. However, with the right approach, dedication, and strategic planning, achieving a high rank and scoring 95+ in Costing is attainable. In this blog, we will discuss a step-by-step guide to help you excel in this subject and achieve your academic goals.


1. Understand the Syllabus and Weightage

Begin by thoroughly understanding the syllabus and the weightage of each topic. Identify the areas that carry higher marks and those that you find more challenging. Allocate time accordingly, giving more attention to the high-scoring sections.


2. Create a Study Plan

Develop a comprehensive study plan that covers all topics within the available time frame. Set realistic and achievable daily, weekly, and monthly study targets. A well-structured plan will help you stay organized and focused throughout your preparation.


3. Master the Basics

Costing involves numerous concepts and formulas. Start by mastering the fundamental concepts and principles. Ensure you have a solid understanding of the basic terminologies and techniques before moving on to more complex topics.


4. Practice Regularly

Practice is the key to success in Costing. Solve a wide range of problems from textbooks, practice manuals, and previous years' question papers. Regular practice will improve your problem-solving skills, speed, and accuracy.


5. Utilize Online Resources

Leverage online resources, such as video lectures and online courses, to supplement your learning. Many platforms offer comprehensive lectures on Costing, providing visual aids and explanations that can help you grasp difficult concepts effectively.


6. Create Short Notes and Flashcards

Condense your study material into concise and easy-to-understand short notes and flashcards. These notes will be beneficial during the revision phase, enabling quick recollection of crucial information.


7. Focus on Time Management

Time management is crucial during the exam. During practice sessions, set a time limit for each question or topic. This will help you become adept at managing your time and ensure you complete the exam within the allocated time frame.


8. Seek Expert Guidance

If you encounter challenging topics or have doubts, don't hesitate to seek guidance from subject matter experts or teachers. Joining a coaching institute or attending webinars can provide valuable insights and tips for tackling complex problems.


9. Review and Analyze

Regularly review your progress and analyze your performance in practice tests. Identify weak areas and allocate more time to improve your understanding. Learning from your mistakes is a critical aspect of exam preparation.


10. Mock Tests and Mock Exams

Taking mock tests and mock exams under exam-like conditions is essential to build confidence and assess your preparation. Analyze your performance in these tests to fine-tune your approach and focus on areas that need improvement.


11. Stay Healthy and Manage Stress

Maintaining good physical and mental health is vital during exam preparation. Engage in regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep. Manage stress through relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga.


12. Stay Positive and Stay Motivated

Believe in yourself and maintain a positive attitude throughout your preparation. Celebrate small achievements, and don't get discouraged by setbacks. Surround yourself with a supportive study group or friends who share similar academic goals.



Scoring 95+ and achieving a top rank in Costing demands dedication, hard work, and strategic planning. By understanding the syllabus, practicing regularly, seeking expert guidance, and staying positive, you can excel in this challenging subject. Remember that consistency and perseverance are key, and with the right mindset and effort, you can accomplish your academic aspirations. 

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